Retreat Experience

"Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent."

John 17:3

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The Retreat Experience is on the Mountain

The Retreat

In this two year program, you participate in four Retreats yearly, reading assigned books and studying the gospels in between each Retreat. Each year is a complete curriculum, working as a pre-requisite for the next year if you desire to continue.

Learn more about:

Are you interested in Spiritual direction?

While you're at the retreat, you'll have the opportunity to receive spiritual direction. We'll provide details on how to schedule a session before the next retreat starts.

(Actual spiritual direction session)

Retreat Dates

2025 Retreat Schedule:

  • January 26-28

  • April 27-29

  • July 27-29

  • November 2-4

Southern Nevada

2024/2025 Retreat Schedule:

  • October 3-5, 2024

  • January 9-11, 2025

  • April 3-5, 2025

  • August 7-9, 2025

Southern California

New Southern California Location



The Spiritual Formation Institute

Experiencing a trusting and personal relationship with Jesus


“For it is in Christ we live and move and have our being”

Acts 17:28


Retreat One

The Father has given the son that we might know Him, and be set free. Jesus reaches out to you to come as you are….He delights in meeting you there.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Lectio Divina

  • Solitude

  • Silence


Retreat Two

Jesus invites you to experience knowing and being known, loving and being loved…seeing you were created in His image for relationship with Him, and then with others.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Meditation

  • Confession

  • Self-Examination


Retreat Three

Jesus invites you to experience more of him by letting go of you….the problem of self-absorption and resistance to Jesus’ love, presence and acceptance.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Sabbath Rest

  • Rule of Life

  • Detachment (Frugality, Simplicity)


Retreat Four

Experiencing Jesus’ presence with you and through life’s struggles, trial and crisis….how attachment to Jesus transforms your life from fear to trust.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Self-Care

  • Submission

  • Humility

Readings (Assigned Quarterly)

  • Spiritual Disciplines Handbook - by Adele Ahlberg Calhoun

  • The Practice of Spiritual Direction - by William Barry

  • Changed Heart, Changed World - by William Barry

  • Sacred Companions - by David Benner

  • Spiritual Direction - by Henri Nouwen

  • With Open Hands - by Henri Nouwen

  • Sacred Rhythms - by Ruth Haley Barton

  • “The SFI has provided me with the space, environment and stillness to encounter the Spirit in a way that has replenished my soul. So often as a pastor myself, the time to be still before the Lord is in constant tug of war with the many to do’s of ministry. This year forced me to take the time of renewal and soak in the abundant life Christ has intended for us. My desire is to bring other staff to experience the life-giving gift of SFI.”

    ~ Year one testimony

  • Being a part of Spiritual Formation Year 1 was an amazing period of growth in knowing Jesus Christ much deeper than I ever thought possible, learning how to read the Gospel in a manner that developed a much deeper understanding of the scriptures, and a much deeper knowledge of how to continue growth in reading the Bible.

    Having the retreats up at Mount Charleston was an experience that provided the quiet times needed to focus solely on God and grow in our understanding of his love for us.

    ~ Year one testimony

  • “During the first year of the SFI Retreat, I was able to accept that my relationship and journey with Christ was my own and that He would meet me right where I was. I am excited to continue in Year 2 to see where He leads me.”

    ~ Year one testimony

  • “I decided to sign up for SFI because I wanted a deeper relationship with God—to know Him more. Through the spiritual disciplines, reading and teaching I have gained so much intimacy with God. I know how much He truly loves me and can finally accept that. My relationship is growing each day. I am so thankful for this program.”

    ~ Year one testimony

Experiencing how to live and lead with God through engagement with Christ...



Developing and practicing twelve skills of Spiritual Formation

“I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one: I in them as you are in me."

John 17:21-23


Retreat One

Becoming One With Christ: Understanding stages of Spiritual Formation and how they influence your Spiritual Formation.

Releasing From Shame and Guilt: Allowing Christ’s sacrificial offering to bring freedom from your sin.

Forgiving and Being Forgiven: Means to healthy relationships and spiritual freedom with God, self and others.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Centering Prayer

  • Conversational Prayer


Retreat Two

Experiencing Relational Disciplines: Developing a personal intimate relationship with Christ.

Abiding: Being one with Christ through daily active presence.

Practicing solitude, silence and meditation: Learning how to be still with Jesus to hear and experience him.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Practicing His Presence

  • Contemplative Prayer


Retreat Three

Identifying and participating in the ministry of the Holy Spirit: Experiencing inner life transformation yielding outer life formation.

Developing Spiritual Retreat: Setting aside relational time to be with Jesus without interruption.

Learning How To Actively Listen: Practicing singular focus in hearing another verbally/non-verbally.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Retreat

  • Inner-healing Prayer


Retreat Four

Asking questions in lieu of giving answers: Coming alongside another in supportive presence, dialogue and encouragement.

Desiring God’s Good in another’s life: Learning to see Jesus’ active presence in another’s life.

Participating in Christ’s victory over darkness within self and others: Experiencing Jesus in suffering, pain and temptation, and his power to transform.

Introduction to Relational Disciplines:

  • Fasting

  • Discernment

  • Intercessory Prayer

Readings (Assigned Quarterly)

  • The Critical Journey - by Hagberg and Guelich

  • Surrender To Love - by David Benner

  • Ruthless Trust - by Brennan Manning

  • Desiring God's Will - by David Benner

  • Forgiving The Unforgivable - by David Stoop

  • The Spirit of The Disciplines - by Dallas Willard

  • The Celebration of Discipline - by Richard Foster

  • Seek My Face - by William Barry

  • Practicing His Presence - by Brother Lawrence

  • Hearing God - by Dallas Willard

  • A Friendship Like No Other - by William Barry

  • Holy Listening - by Margaret Guenther

  • Seeking God Together - by Alice Fryling

  • Life Together - by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

  • With An Everlasting Love - by William Barry

  • A Grief Observed - by C.S. Lewis

  • “Not only has my relationship and dependence on Christ flourished, my family and partners in ministry have acknowledged my spiritual growth. I’ve come to realize that what I’d been searching for in my Christian walk was up on the mountain the whole time! I will value and utilize these tools and practices for a lifetime.”

    ~ Year two testimony

  • “SFI has reminded me of the sweet simplicity of loving Jesus and the joy of truly knowing Him. My public ministry is a direct overflow of what I am intimately experiencing with Christ. I no longer have to contrive or TRY so hard in leadership. Instead, I can REST and fall back into the arms of Jesus and know that I am first and foremost, a child of His. My energy has been renewed and my effectiveness for the Kingdom has grown.! So thankful for SFI.”

    ~ Year two testimony

  • “The Institute has transformed my relationship with God. It has provided a personal invitation to more depth and intimacy in knowing Him. Year one has shown that, as I trust God more, I become more aware of His loving and gracious presence within life.”

    ~ Year two testimony